17 August 2010

The inspire art from cinema- Sarah Mitchell Munro

Sarah Mitchell Munro is a full-time artist and she trained as a physiotherapist who always loved art. Last week she opened a “Through the Window”, which was an exhibition about the domestic space and was presented from women’s viewpoints. Also the whole idea was inspired by her loves- cinema. In addition to, she collaborated with her friends Wendy Richdale to fulfill the whole display.

In her work, she took a lot of footages around her home in which was at Victoria villa in Hamilton. She represented this theme by using fairy tale, and classical atmosphere. The idea of her work was inspired from the French cinematographer Janusz Kaminski. Sarah said that “I love the way Kaminski frames his shots and his use of lighting and colour, the work he made was elusive quality”.

No matter, Sarah worked very hard now and won an outstanding prize previously. She still wanted to keep studying before she turns fifty years old. I am really impressed with the way which Sarah’s thinking in her arts and her sprite in leaning arts.

Gallery Visit- The Walters Prize

In my point of view, Walters Prize is an exhibition which shows the artist experiment about art and design, also it representing the great skill from artist idea. The exhibition has separated in four spaces which presenting by four artists; it has showing different art skills, such as oil paint, architecture, installations, moving images, and so on.

Each artist has showing the abilities of their own viewpoint about making arts, and the interesting thing is most of the art work is untitled, unless the titled of the subject, the artists just give details of the material which they used. It is hard to understand what aim for is, and what is the point that the artist tried to present their works without the definitions in some of the display. One of finalist artist Dan Arps he displayed a broken table and chairs, and the recycling box with papers inside and some of antique stuffs around the space that called “Explain things”. For me it is hard to make clear the compositions of contest, because the artist only used the simple idea to “explain” everything could be art and can make art.

Overall, it is a good experience to observation the artists’ works, and learning more skills from their displays. Therefore, I more understand that contemporary art is very wide; everything can make as an art and installation art.