About today’s skills class, Tessa talked about how to write an essay and the blog. The most important thing which she taught us was “ how to write an exhibition” and “the artist work.” Also in the tutorial class, Tessa discussed with us about what we have seen in Te Tuhi Centre , the designer and the performer artist- Shigeyuki Kihara. I thought Shigeyuki Kihara one of the best artist who designed a funny and stylistic t-shirt. Through her works, I felt that she worked very hard and she told us about the process of t-shirts designed, and the supporter who helped her to make her t-shirts became well-known. She cared about everything around her. Besides, to focus on her composition, her main idea was perfect too, because she represented her native, her culture, and her ability of creation.
In my point of view, she is a versatile artist has plenty of creations and imaginations in different ways. Especially the t-shirt which she designed, in each logo has different meaning and different symbolism. Furthermore, the subject that she chose is not difficult for anyone. However, she did very carefully in each part and used a fantastic skill to interpret her ideas. I am impressed about her t-shirt design, because every logo in each t-shirt, we can found on advertise, poster, or stuffs we can easily find in our daily life. But she changed the text to another funny style, for example, “Parking Save” to “Fun’k Save.” It’s a gorgeous design enough to attract people vision. However, “Everybody can design the t-shirt,” Kihara said. The t-shirt design become more and more popular, lots of do the same work as Kihara, but to design a nice t-shirt and become a famous designer is not easy for everyone. It must have full of energy, imagination and spend an uncountable time to generate a new design.
Hi Amy, I was hoping with the "second impressions" of Te Tuhi that you will write about something new, not Shigeyuki again. You already wrote about her well the first time, I am interested in what you think of something else at Te Tuhi. Or, if you want to continue to talk about Shigeyuki, you could do some more internet research about her and talk about some of her other works. You need to undertake some further research first. TX