06 August 2009

Stenciling artist-Frances Hansen

My first impression about Frances Hansen’s work is her stenciling work which was displayed in the library. She used cleaning products or bottles which were not making and were not sale in every supermarket, then made black and white opposite stenciling shapes and colors, it presented the negative and positive format, also painted the background with purple and soft green colors to make the warm and elegant composition. Therefore, she made series of works with same stenciling techniques, and she developed and transformed her works on many of baskets decorations, such as installing art pile up the baskets together, also made the stenciling on each basket with black or white bottle images.

However, her body of work had represented the typical home decorations, in each of works had showed she loves simple, artistic. No matter the color used and the whole concept, she created the warm and comfortable visual effect. I am festinated with Frances’s work about she used amount of objects, source materials to create series of compositions.

Furthermore, during her creation, she collecting recycling crafts, for example, the pieces of card board, boxes, the plastic bags from air line, or the objects which she had been used such as the package papers, newsprint, advertise, and so on. She combined with those pieces of crafts to create the huge construction. The component which without the complicated subject matter, she just collected and separated the pieces of things into the small plastic and the bag of sheet protector. I am curious about her idea that she remade the recycling things to become a new style of object compositions.

Overall, I very like her creations and all of her works have related with living style, and home decoration. She made tiny little thing to become the brilliant vision, and the great visual condition of her stenciling and objects.

1 comment:

  1. This post lacks clarity, I think you could have spent a bit more time planning what you mean to say before you write it. You use the term stencilling, this is not accurate. Silhouette might be a better word or you could talk about the out-line of an object, about simplifying or about how an object can still be recognised when even when very little information detail is used. Also did you think about the idea of gleaning? is this a process that interests you?
