29 July 2010

Stone Teapot Exhibition- Liao Tian Zhao

About the artist
Liao tain Zhao is the founder of the art of creating stone carved teapots which he began 40 years ago in Taiwan. He is fastidious in the modeling of each teapot which have sense of aestheticism and practicality in that they cana lso be used for making tea. During the past 30 years he has created more than one thousand teapots; each one a different size and unique shape.

Recently he has changed to creating different styles of carving but continues to use stone as the medium. For Liao Tian Zhao stone evokes a special emotion within him. He says that life is very short for the stone, because it comes from nature, will last forever and in this way he can record his life in something solid and tangible; retaining the beauty of nature and integrate his own creative ideas.

Reference from FGY Art Gallery, Manukau, Auckland 16 Stancomb Rd.

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